Saturday, July 30, 2016

Roommate Horror Story: Filing a Police Report against my Manipulative Roommate

(Actual names have been changed)

It was obvious that someone was stealing my money as it was disappearing the next day, but it took me a while to notice. I was in college, living in an apartment with three other women. However with the trust we established within the three of us I assumed the lost of my stuff was due to my incompetence. Besides that, I was too focused on my studies and classes, managing my mental illnesses, friends and club obligations leaving me little time to ever be protective of my belongings. 

In our apartment we had two bedrooms right across from each other. Each room was big enough for two people to share each room. My actual roommate and I got along well. Living in the room across from me was Samoa.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Adventure: Catalina Island 2016

In celebration of my 19th birthday my family and I went to Santa Catalina Island! My dad planned a 2 day trip where we would drive up in the afternoon near Los Angeles and stay at a hotel. In the early morning we would depart from the hotel and go to Dana point (around 6:00A.M)

From Dana Point to Catalina Island was around a 1 hour boat ride and the least of the phase "smooth sailing from here". However during the ride we got to see dolphins and experience some light fog that would make your hair damp.

When we first got to the Island we went straight to riding on the Golf carts and rented it for about 2 hours. Our family drove on a steep mountain and got a wonderful view of Downtown and the pier.