Sunday, July 24, 2016

Adventure: Catalina Island 2016

In celebration of my 19th birthday my family and I went to Santa Catalina Island! My dad planned a 2 day trip where we would drive up in the afternoon near Los Angeles and stay at a hotel. In the early morning we would depart from the hotel and go to Dana point (around 6:00A.M)

From Dana Point to Catalina Island was around a 1 hour boat ride and the least of the phase "smooth sailing from here". However during the ride we got to see dolphins and experience some light fog that would make your hair damp.

When we first got to the Island we went straight to riding on the Golf carts and rented it for about 2 hours. Our family drove on a steep mountain and got a wonderful view of Downtown and the pier.

After lunch we went bowling at the Three Palms Avalon Arcade. Each game for one person was $5. At first I kept getting a gutter ball which really discouraged me from thinking I would do well but after bowling 3 or 4 times you get the hang of it and start focusing on centering the ball than trying to hit the pins.

We also explored around the ocean and got to view fish at the Catalina Island Glass Bottom Boat Tour. For five dollars I got to feed fish through a hole pipe and watch fish battle for the pellets. Also while on the ride we got to witness a proposal from the Island when the women yelled "I'm getting married!" It was pretty magical.

Although we did not go zip lining or swim in the ocean like many of the typical tourist. It was fun to explore the city, lounge around and enjoy a family vacation!  However going back on the boat ride I got a huge migraine and had to endure the bumpiest sail ride feeling extremely nauseous and gross.

I definitely recommend visiting Santa Catalina Islands if you think of doing so with your family or friends and enjoying the beautiful sites, people and the undiscovered gems that this Island has to offer!

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