Recently my cousin from Guam has came to live with us for her college experience in California. As the wholesome hosts my mom and I are, we decided to take her visiting Mom and her to Legoland.
Here was my selfie of the day on the way there

The first ride we rode was hyped new Ninjago ride. Which was basically equivalent to the Buzz light year old in Disneyland. Where you shoot at objects/antagonists. I always find shooting games therapeutic!
We ate at the Garden Restaurant that served sandwiches, soups and briskets. The food was alright I got to eat a Tuna Melt that literally melted as a sandwich. Definitely a 3/5. Although I don't think I really like Legoland food in general.
Here are some pictures from the mini land USA including places from Nevada, Louisiana, Washington D.C, New York and etc.
Overall Legoland is an amusement park that is really catered towards children(I know its obvious). I haven't gone here in a while so I forgotten the atmosphere and the vibes that Legoland has. Anyways we managed to ride every rollercoaster ride and spot some really cute employees working there.
The next day I got to meet up with an old high school friend who I haven't seen since January! It was good to catch up on each other and explore the day together.
We went to Balboa Park which is one of the biggest attraction parks in San Diego and went to the Museum of Man (MoM) which had a free admission day because it was Tuesday and some of the museums have free Admission on a specific Tuesday of the month.
We also made a stop at Extraordinary desserts! One of the best dessert eateries I love going to however not often because it's pretty expensive just for sweet dessert. I ordered a chocolate strudel and a Rose Lemonade!
Anyways I've realize I always usually hang out with my friends at eateries and I'm super fond of them. Do you have a favorite eatery? Also what do you usually do with your friends?
Thanks for reading!

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