Saturday, August 13, 2016

College Advice for Freshmen

After high school majority of people we know choose to pursue higher education. For those who do, college can be an experience where you have the privilege of going to a new city. For others it can be going to your local state or community college. Certainly, there isn't one better way than the other. (Trust me)

I personally have gone off to a California State University in a city around 2 hours from me, but after not being able to figure out what I really want to do and experiencing the unhappiest year of my life (roommate story). I have decided to continue my education in community college, testing the waters of a new major(nursing) while balancing a part-time job. 

Besides that here are some advice and tips that I've managed to compile for those who are looking forward to their first year of college from my experience and others.

  • Class Tips
    • The first class is significant because it sets the tone for the course and what you are expected for the whole semester/quarter. Also make sure you are there because some people can get dropped after missing a certain number of classes during the start of the week. Or if you are waitlisted remember to crash the course and talk to the professor. 
    • If you do not like the class, drop it! It may only get worse from there. I had a philosophy class that was only based on the midterm and final. The material got increasingly difficult starting from ambiguous sentences to statical probabilities with variables. In the end I managed to fail both the midterm and final but passed with a C. I didn't enjoy the class because I couldn't comprehend majority of the material even though I studied it everyday and was typically stressed out majority of the time. Which I don't advise anyone. If you done all you can for the class, don't worry about it!  
    • Most professors or instructors do have rules (cellphones, breaks) but usually you can chose to leave the room whenever you want. 
    •  Remember to attend class! Professors can announce stuff in class about quizzes or changing tests dates rather than online.
    • Communicate with your Professor! Don't wait to the last minute to go to office hours if you have questions or need help. They are literally paid to help you learn!! 
    • Have your college e-mail forward all the messages onto your main email. That way you can stay constantly updated and connected to whats happening in your class or school.
    • Make in-class friends! Acquaintances come in handy to give you notes if you are absent or vice versa. If you're struggling in class you can ask them for help, form a study group or maybe a study guide together. Getting to know your peers is also another way to get connected and network in college. 
  • Organization
      • Planner 
    • Buying a planner is one of the most staple items for organization and planning. However being committed to it can be a challenge. With the variety of planners make sure to chose the one that suits you the best.
    • One of the ways I use a planner is putting a time table of all my classes. 
    • The day your teacher gives you a due date write it into your planner on the actual due date and then work back from here one week at a time from the actual date. 

      • Calendar 
    • Calendars can also be essential to help you remember important dates or set little reminders. Here is a calendar made by one of my favorite youtuber! To track deadlines, tasks and events. 
    • Blue Version 
    • Pink Version 
  • Money 
    • Financial Aid  
      • FAFSA can be applied as early as January, before the fall you plan on enrolling. It is a free application and is open to U.S citizens and eligible non-U.S citizens. Remember to renew your financial aid every year.    
    • Scholarships 
      • Universities usually have a list of scholarships online their website that are available based on major, grades, ethnicity and etc. Or you can go to the admissions office and ask for available scholarships.  
      • There are also many local scholarships from foundations that are looking to hand free money whether its from writing an essay or just applying normally. 
                  College Scholarships 
                 ⇨  Fastweb
                 ⇨ Scholarships
                 ⇨ Gates Millennium Scholarship
                 ⇨ Sallie Mae

  • Getting involved on Campus 
    • It can easy to be discouraged with joining a club or an organization. But making time to join a club can be worthwhile and fun. Not only can you join a club based on your interests but on your major which can come handy in the future. It also gives you the chance to be more involved with your campus and meeting new friends rather than staying in your dorm/home. In my time I managed to join a rally cool Feminist Alliance Club and learn about intersectional feminism and gather free pins/zines. I also have joined a Filipino club and gotten free pizza and dancing opportunities.
    • Joining a sorority/fraternity 
    • Internships are useful and can be used on your resume and it may be required in order to graduate.
  • Keeping on track 
    • Usually counselors give you a paper of all the General Education requirements and the classes to chose from. So try to keep updated with all the classes for a certain block or section that you have to fulfill. 
    • Remember to check your date for class registration so you can sign up for your classes as early as you can before they get filled! 
    • Pay attention to how many credits/units you are taking or receiving and your grades.  
  • Textbooks
    • Textbooks are really expensive and can be a burden if you don't use it often in the class. Sometimes you can get through classes without buying the required textbook or you can always find a scanned version online. My brother personally likes to find the PDF version of the textbook rather than getting a hold of the physical copy. 
    • However if you do need to rent one check out your college's bookstore or try to find a cheaper version of it online:

Overall remember college can be whatever you make of it. It can be the best years of your life or the worse. It is going to be hard but make sure whatever you're doing for your college success doesn't make you miserable or unhappy. Remember to stay positive and that there is something good and exciting to look forward to in the end. Whatever you're going through is temporary and I wish all the best for your future endeavors! 

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